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MyoFascial 101 – Beginner – Observation and Application

Eric Jones Williams

NCBTMB #1377

6 CE credits | $120

Through light focused stretches applied to the client’s tissue, this technique
seeks to free the connective tissue and restore and / or improve alignment
and function. Using sustained pressure to warm, soften and stretch the
fascia, MyoFascial work is used to address emotional and physical pain,
injury and structural misalignment. Focused strokes elongate soft tissue
creating an increase in fluid movement and range of motion as well as a
decrease in pain levels that are a result of the body not functioning in proper
alignment. Utilizing observations, breathing techniques, bodywork, and
ROM activities, the practitioner and client work together creating muscular
and energetic releases. MyoFascial 101 is a beginner level course. This
course is an introduction into the world of fascia with beginner level
concepts and applications. This is not a certification course and should not
be perceived as such.